Friday, November 18, 2011

It's been a while!

Wow!  Time has flown by and the holiday season is upon us!  I'm actually starting work on the Anne Boleyn gown!  Remember that one?  I am hoping to have it done by next weekend to wear to the Texas Renaissance Festival.  At least that's the plan.  I *have* to have it done by December 6th.  It's being used as a final project in a Costume Construction class that I'm taking this semester.  I'm glad the instructor let me use this as my project.  It gives me a really good reason to get motivated and finish it! 

I've had a few other projects over the last few months.  I've started making Rapunzel braids and selling them online.  They took off like crazy for Halloween.  Every little girl around wanted to be Rapunzel from Tangled.  Here is just one of the many pictures of my own little Rapunzel!

We also had Halloween costumes that had to be made for myself and the kids.  Helayna was set on being a mermaid, and I had to also be a mermaid with her.  Jeremy couldn't make up his mind, and ended  up as a Red Dragon Ninja, made the night before we left to go to the Texas Renaissance Festival for Halloween Weekend.  Here is a pic of the three of us at TRF.

And here is her mermaid costume in full glory on Halloween at one of the local Halloween Carnivals:

And now Thanksgiving is less than a week away, with Christmas getting closer and closer!  Where has the time gone?  I will try my hardest to get some new pictures of the Anne Boleyn gown as I'm working on it to post next week.  The bodice is almost assembled.  It's going to be awesome when it's done!  I can't wait!  Well, I'm off to get some work done. 

Happy Sewing!

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